12.2. Representing Graphs¶
Graphs are an important versatile mathematical abstractions, which is used to represent the relations between multiple objects. Such (possibly non-symeetric) relations can be frequently phrased in terms of connectivity and reachability, as we’ve seen before in the chapter on Equivalance Classes and Union-Find.
A graph is commonly represented in mathematics by a pair \(G = (V, E)\), where \(V\) is a set of the graphs’s vertices (nodes), represented the related elements, and \(E\) is a set of its edges (arcs) such that \(E \subseteq V \times V\).
As some graph exampes, \(V\) and \(E\) can represent correspondingly:
- Cities and roads between them
- Routers in the networks and connections between them
- Statements in a program and a control-flow transitions
- Control states of a machine and transitions between them
- “Friendship” relations between users of a social network
It is commont to think of \(V\) to be represented by a segment \(\{0 ... (n - 1)\}\) of natural numbers for some \(n\) (so that \(n\) is the size of the set of vertices). However, if the nodes carry additional meaning (e.g., the name of the city), one can define their payload as a function \(\{0 ... (n - 1)\} \rightarrow P\) for some set of payload values \(P\). Edges can be also given labels in a similar way by defining a function \(E \rightarrow L\) for some label set \(L\).
12.2.1. Graphs as Adjacency Lists¶
Here is the first take on representing graphs as data s structure – by means of adjacency lists (AL). In this representation an each node (a natural number) u
points (e.g., as an element of an array) to a list of other nodes v
, that are immediately reachable from u
, i.e., the graph g
has an edge (u, v)
For instance, consider the following graph:
It has 6 nodes (numbered 0-5) and can be encoded via the following array:
[|[1; 3];
[4; 2];
[4; 5];
[1; 5]|]
That is, for instance, the node 5 has nodes 1 and also itself as its next (successors) nodes, immediately reachable via the corresponding edges.
Keeping in mind the possibility of adding payload to nodes and labels to edges, we arrange the graph as the following type graph
module AdjacencyGraphs = struct
type ('a, 'b) graph = {
size : int;
adj : int list array;
node_payloads : (int * 'a) list ref;
edge_labels : ((int * int) * 'b) list ref
let mk_graph n = {
size = n;
adj = Array.make n [];
node_payloads = ref [];
edge_labels = ref [];
(* More functions come here *)
Creating a graph allocates n
nodes, but does not add anye edges. As graphs are an inherently imperative (i.e., mutable) structure, we can add edges as follows by changing the corresponding componnents of the adjacency array:
let add_edge g src dst =
assert (in_range g src && in_range g dst);
let out = g.adj.(src) in
let out' = List.filter (fun n -> n <> dst) out in
g.adj.(src) <- dst :: out'
That is, the procedure above adds the edges (src, dst)
to the graph g
Removing edges or adding labels to them can be achieved in a similar way:
let remove_edge g src dst =
assert (in_range g src && in_range g dst);
let out = g.adj.(src) in
let out' = List.filter (fun n -> n <> dst) out in
g.adj.(src) <- out'
let set_edge_label g src dst l =
assert (in_range g src && in_range g dst);
let labs = !(g.edge_labels) in
let labs' = List.filter (fun ((s, d), _) -> (s, d) <> (src, dst)) labs in
g.edge_labels := ((src, dst), l) :: labs'
It is not uncommon to need to have the whole set of edges. We can obtain it as follows, byt traversing the entire adjacency array, returning the list of edges:
let edges g =
let open Week_06.DLLBasedQueue in
let q = mk_queue g.size in
for i = 0 to g.size - 1 do
let next = g.adj.(i) in
List.iter (fun n -> enqueue q (i, n)) next
queue_to_list q
12.2.2. Reading and Printing Graphs¶
Let us now suggest a way to input graphs, so they would be converted to the programmatic representation. One way to do so is to provide a size of a graph (in terms of nodes), as well as all pairs, indicating the directed edges. For instance, the graph above can be defined by the following list of strings, where the first one is its size:
let small_graph_shape =
"0 1";
"0 3";
"3 1";
"1 4";
"1 2";
"2 4";
"2 5";
"5 1";
"5 5"]
Using the functions from the previous weeks, we can convert this list to a graph, in which node payloads are the same as node identifiers (i.e., natural numbers) using the following function:
let adjacency_int_graph_of_strings ls =
let size = trimmer (List.hd ls) |> int_of_string in
let g = mk_graph size in
let edges = List.tl ls in
let pairs = List.map (fun s -> trimmer s) edges |>
List.filter (fun s -> String.length s > 0) |>
List.map (fun s ->
let splitted = splitter s in
let src = int_of_string @@ List.hd splitted in
let dst = int_of_string @@ List.hd @@ List.tl splitted in
(src, dst))
for i = 0 to g.size - 1 do
set_payload g i i
List.iter (fun (s, d) -> add_edge g s d) pairs;
In the same way, we can read a graph from the file (hence the string-based representation):
let read_simple_graph_shape_from_file filename =
let ls = read_file_to_strings filename in
adjacency_int_graph_of_strings ls
Finally, we can dump a simple graph with no payloads into a file using the following pair of functions:
let graph_to_string g =
let s0 = string_of_int g.size in
let ls = List.map (fun (s, d) ->
Printf.sprintf "%d %d" s d) (edges g) in
String.concat "\n" (s0 :: ls)
(* Dump graph to file *)
let wirte_simple_graph_shape_to_file filename g =
graph_to_string g |>
write_string_to_file filename
Question: How would you suggest to serialise graphs with non-trivial payloads on nodes and labels on edges?
12.2.3. Rendering Graphs via GraphViz¶
The simples way to visualise graphs in a nice form is to use a third-party tool GraphViz. As input, GraphViz accepts a text file in a special format, which it can then convert to an image of a graph, taking care of positioning the nodes and rendering the edges between them. Some examples ony using GraphViz can be found by this link.
The following functions transform a graph, represented by adjacency lists to a GraphViz-formatted string and write it to the file:
let graphviz_string_of_graph gtyp conn vattrib eattrib g =
let preamble = gtyp ^ " {\n" in
let epilogue = "}" in
let body =
AdjacencyGraphs.edges g |>
List.map (fun (s, d) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s %s"
(vattrib s) conn (vattrib d) (eattrib (s, d))) |>
String.concat ";\n" in
preamble ^ body ^ epilogue
let graphviz_no_payload g out =
let s = graphviz_string_of_graph "digraph" " -> "
string_of_int (fun _ -> "") g in
write_string_to_file out s
The function graphviz_string_of_graph
takes many arguments:
* ``gtyp`` is the type of the graph to be renderred (directed/undirected);
* ``conn`` is a connective determining the shape of edges;
* ``vattrib`` is a function to render nodes;
* ``eattrib`` is a function to render edges;
* ``g`` is a graph itself in an adjacency-list representation
When run graphviz_no_payload g "graph.dot"
produces a file named graph.dot
, which can be then renderred from the console via GraphViz-provided utility dot
as follows:
dot -Tpdf filename.dot -o outfile.pdf
Here filename.dot
can be any GraphViz-formatted file (can be also named differently), and outfile.pdf
is the resulting PDF file with the graph.
The image above has been obtained via GraphViz for the graph, read from small_graph_shape
12.2.4. Shortcomings of Adjacency-List graph representation¶
The main disadvantage of adjacency-list based representation is that the operations of adding an edge, getting successors (and possibly predecessors) of a node in it are very expensive.
12.2.5. Graphs as Linked Data Structures¶
Let us consider a more efficient implementation of graphs as linked data structure. The implementation imposes some overhead, in order to provide an efficient access to the nodes of a graph as well as their adjacent neighbours. The implementation will rely on data structures developed previously: hash-tables and sets, represented via BSTs.
We start by defining the data type for nodes:
module LinkedGraphs = struct
(* Nodes *)
type 'a node = {
id : int;
value : 'a ref;
next : int list ref;
prev : int list ref
let get_value n = !(n.value)
let get_next n = !(n.next)
let get_prev n = !(n.prev)
let add_prev node src =
let prev' = get_prev node |>
List.filter (fun n -> n <> src) in
node.prev := src :: prev'
let add_next node dst =
let next' = get_next node |>
List.filter (fun n -> n <> dst) in
node.next := dst :: next'
(* More types and functions are coming here *)
Each node stores its identifier (an integer), a payload value
, as well as lists of “previous” and “next” nodes in the graph (initially empty).
We now defing a graph as follows:
(* Auxiliary definitions *)
open Week_12_BST
open Week_08_HashTable
module Set = BinarySearchTree
module NodeTable =
ResizableListBasedHashTable(struct type t = int end)
module EdgeTable =
ResizableListBasedHashTable(struct type t = int * int end)
type 'a set = 'a Set.tree
(* Working with Graphs *)
type ('a, 'b) graph = {
next_node_id : int ref;
nodes : int set;
node_map : (int * 'a node) NodeTable.hash_table;
edges : (int * int) set;
edge_labels : ((int * int) * 'b) EdgeTable.hash_table
That is, a graph contains:
- a counter
used to allocate identifiers for newly added nodes; - a set (represented via BST)
of all node identifies; node_map
for mapping node identifiers to node objects;- a set of edges (
); - a hash map of edge labels (
The graph
structure defined just above allows to access the set of predecessors/successors of a node in a constant time, as opposed to linear one with the list-based representation. Consider the following utility functions:
(* Graph size *)
let v_size g = !(g.next_node_id)
let e_size g = BinarySearchTree.get_size g.edges
let get_nodes g = Set.elements g.nodes
(* Refer to the node in the graph *)
let get_node g i = Week_01.get_exn @@ NodeTable.get g.node_map i
let get_succ g n =
let node = get_node g n in
get_next node
let get_prev g n =
let node = get_node g n in
get_prev node
let node_in_graph g n =
let nodes = g.nodes in
Set.search nodes n <> None
let edge_in_graph g src dst =
let nodes = g.edges in
Set.search nodes (src, dst) <> None
As the linked graph
structure combines five conceptually “overlapping” components, it needs to be maintaned with a lot of care, in order not to introduce any discrepancies in the representations.
Creating new linked graph is easy:
let mk_graph _ = {
next_node_id = ref 0;
nodes = Set.mk_tree ();
node_map = NodeTable.mk_new_table 10;
edges = Set.mk_tree ();
edge_labels = EdgeTable.mk_new_table 10
Adding a node requires allocating it a new id, registering it in both the set of node identifiers, and the node map:
let add_node g v =
let new_id = !(g.next_node_id) in
g.next_node_id := !(g.next_node_id) + 1;
let node = {
id = new_id;
value = ref v;
next = ref [];
prev = ref [];
} in
(* Register node *)
let _ = Set.insert g.nodes new_id in
(* Register node payload *)
NodeTable.insert g.node_map new_id node
Adding an edge requires modifying the corresponding node instances to account for new predecessors and successors:
let add_edge g src dst =
let open Week_01 in
assert (node_in_graph g src && node_in_graph g src);
(* Register edge *)
let _ = Set.insert g.edges (src, dst) in
(* Add information to individual nodes *)
let src_node = get_exn @@ NodeTable.get g.node_map src in
let dst_node = get_exn @@ NodeTable.get g.node_map dst in
add_prev dst_node src;
add_next src_node dst
We can also set a new label to an edge (src, dst)
as follows:
let set_edge_label g src dst l =
let open Week_01 in
assert (node_in_graph g src && node_in_graph g src);
assert (edge_in_graph g src dst);
(* Register label *)
EdgeTable.insert g.edge_labels (src, dst) l
12.2.6. Switching between graph representations¶
As we already have reading/writing implemented for AL-based graphs, let us implement conversion between them and linked representations. The following function, for instance, converts a simple AL-based graph (with arbitrary node payloads) to a linked representation:
let from_simple_adjacency_graph (ag : ('a, 'b) AdjacencyGraphs.graph) =
let g = mk_graph () in
(* Add nodes *)
for i = 0 to ag.size - 1 do
let v = snd @@ List.find (fun (n, _) -> n = i) !(ag.node_payloads) in
add_node g v;
(* Add edges *)
for i = 0 to ag.size - 1 do
ag.adj.(i) |>
List.map (fun n -> (i, n)) |>
List.iter (fun (src, dst) -> add_edge g src dst)
(* Add edge labels *)
List.iter (fun ((src, dst), l) -> set_edge_label g src dst l)
Conversely, the following functions obtains an adjacency graph from a linked representation:
let to_adjacency_graph g =
let size = v_size g in
let ag = AdjacencyGraphs.mk_graph size in
(* Set node payloads *)
Set.elements g.nodes |>
List.iter (fun n ->
let node = Week_01.get_exn @@ NodeTable.get g.node_map n in
AdjacencyGraphs.set_payload ag n (get_value node));
(* Add edges *)
let edges = Set.elements g.edges in
List.iter (fun (src, dst) -> AdjacencyGraphs.add_edge ag src dst) edges;
(* Add edges labels *)
List.iter (fun (s, d) ->
match EdgeTable.get g.edge_labels (s, d) with
| None -> ()
| Some l -> AdjacencyGraphs.set_edge_label ag s d l) edges;
We can now put those functions to use for getting linked graphs immediate from the strings and files:
let parse_linked_int_graph ls =
AdjacencyGraphs.adjacency_int_graph_of_strings ls |>
let read_simple_linked_graph_from_file filename =
let ag = AdjacencyGraphs.read_simple_graph_shape_from_file filename in
from_simple_adjacency_graph ag
12.2.7. Testing graph operations¶
One advantage of AL-based representation is that it makes it considerably easier to test graphs for certain properties. For instance, the following function checks that two AL-represented graphs have the same topology (i.e., the same sets of node identifiers, and edges between them):
let same_shape (ag1 : ('a, 'b) AdjacencyGraphs.graph)
(ag2 : ('a, 'b) AdjacencyGraphs.graph) =
assert (ag1.size = ag2.size);
let n = ag1.size in
let comp x y = if x < y
then - 1
else if x > y
then 1 else 0 in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
let adj1 = ag1.adj.(i) |> List.sort comp in
let adj2 = ag1.adj.(i) |> List.sort comp in
assert (adj1 = adj2)
We can use it to check that out AL-to-linked-and-back conversion preserves the graph shape. Take the following graph:
let medium_graph_shape =
"0 1";
"0 6";
"0 5";
"2 0";
"2 3";
"3 5";
"5 4";
"6 4";
"7 6";
"8 7";
"6 9";
"9 10";
"9 11";
"9 12";
"11 12"]
We can now make sure that the following test succeeds:
let%test _ =
let ag = AdjacencyGraphs.adjacency_int_graph_of_strings medium_graph_shape in
let g = LinkedGraphs.from_simple_adjacency_graph ag in
let ag' = LinkedGraphs.to_adjacency_graph g in
same_shape ag ag'
We can also try out the conversion machinery for the sake of producing nice GraphViz images:
utop # let g = LinkedGraphs.parse_linked_int_graph medium_graph_shape;;
utop # let ag = LinkedGraphs.to_adjacency_graph g;;
utop # graphviz_no_payload ag "medium.dot";;
No, running:
dot -Tpdf medium.dot -o medium.pdf
we obtain the following image: