5. Week 05: Monitors and Blocking Synchronisation

In this chapter we will consider monitors — a mechanism for blocking synchronisation of concurrently executing threads, complementary to spin-locks, considered previously.

The code for this lecture is provided in package monitors of the accompanying repository.

5.1. When Spinning isn’t Good Enough

Imagine the following artificial problem. We want to implement a shared linearisable counter that is incremented by two concurrent threads running in parallel with the following catch: one thread may increment a counter if its value is even, and another thread can increment it if its value is odd. Obviously, the threads should “take turns” to implement such a functionality. This can be achieved by using a combination of regular spin-locks and while-loops, as shown in the code below:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import monitors.Logging
import util.ThreadID

object CountTTASLock {
  private var counter: Int = 0
  private val TOTAL = 100
  private val THREADS = 2
  private val lock = new ReentrantLock()

  class AdderToEven extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      var k = 0
      while (k < TOTAL / THREADS) {
        // Step 1: take the lock
        try {
          // Step 2: only do stuff if some condition holds, otherwise yield
          if (counter % 2 == 0) {
            // Step 3: Do useful stuff
            counter = counter + 1
            println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
            k = k + 1
        } finally {

  class AdderToOdd extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      var k = 0
      while (k < TOTAL / THREADS) {
        // Step 1: take the lock
        try {
          // Step 2: wait while counter is even
          if (counter % 2 == 1) {
            // Step 3: Do useful stuff
            counter = counter + 1
            println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
            k = k + 1
        } finally {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val evenAdder = new AdderToEven
    val oddAdder = new AdderToOdd

    val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()

    val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()

    val formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance
    assert(counter == TOTAL)

    println(s"Total time:          ${formatter.format(t2 - t1)} ms")


The two threads, instances of AdderToEven and AdderToOdd correspondingly will be taking turns. Each time a thread takes a lock, it checks if the counter is in the “suitable” position (even or odd, correspondingly). If it is the case, it will proceed to increment it, also increasing its iteration index k. Otherwise, it will pass the turn by releasing the lock and keeping to “spin” on the condition k < TOTAL / THREADS of the outer loop.

While correct, this implementation is somewhat unintuitive. Not only it requires us to take care of synchronisation, each thread should also ensure that it doesn’t miss its turn, essentially performing additional spinning. In the same time, by incrementing a shared counter, each thread implicitly “sends a message” to another thread, so that one could take its turn. Meanwhile the current thread, which has just incremented, will be busy-waiting for its next turn.

Java Virtual Machine (and, hence, Scala) provides a convenient alternative to spinning/busy-waiting — blocking synchronisation, or, simply waiting. It is implemented on top of the corresponding OS primitives and comes in the following form.

As a standard locking mechanism, Java provides the class ReentrantLock. We have used its instances in the past. It is very similar to the locks we’ve seen and implemented before with the only difference that it can be acquired by the same thread several times in succession (and will have to be released the same number of times). One of the methods of Reentrantlock, called newCondition, returns an instance of a class Condition, which allows for the following functionality.

A condition (sometimes also called conditional variable) is a mechanism, associated with a lock that allows a thread A to “temporarily release it” without leaving the critical section. This is done by thread A by calling a method await() on the condition object associated with the corresponding lock. Once having released a lock this way, the thread A becomes suspended: it does not spin, but rather “sleeps” (the OS takes care of putting a thread to sleep and waking it up later). What happens next is another thread (let’s call it B) willing to acquire the lock gets access to the critical section and may work with it. Also, while it is in the critical section , B may call a method signal() on the same (shared) condition object. This will have the following effect. Once B exits its critical section (or calls await() on the condition), the thread A will wake up and continues its working in the critical section.

Notice that at any point in time at most one thread has been active in the critical section. Using conditional variables, we can re-implement our turn-based incrementation as follows:

object CountSingleCondition {

  private var counter: Int = 0
  private val TOTAL = 100
  private val THREADS = 2
  private val lock = new ReentrantLock()
  private val cond = lock.newCondition()

  class AdderToEven extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {
        // Step 1: take the lock
        try {
          // Step 2: wait while counter is not even
          while (counter % 2 == 1) {
          // Step 3: Do useful stuff
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
          // Step 4: Release the other thread
        } finally {

  class AdderToOdd extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / 2) {
        try {
          while (counter % 2 == 0) {
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
        } finally {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // ...

Notice that both calls to cond.wait() by the threads are “wrapped” into a loop, e.g., as follows:

while (counter % 2 == 0) {

This is important for the following two reasons:

  1. Java specification allows a blocked (waiting) thread to be “woken up spuriously” if no other thread is in the critical section now. This, however, might not correspond to the configuration in which a thread is supposed to run, hence it needs to first check an application-specific condition (e.g., “is the counter now even”) before it proceeds.

  2. In the case if multiple threads are involved concurrently, signal() will wake up one of them non-deterministically. In this case, when a specific thread wakes up, the state might, again, not be in the “right configuration”. Therefore the freshly awoken thread will have to check if it actually should be awaken, and otherwise go to sleep again.

After having read this code, you might have the following additional questions.

  • Question: What if we move cond.signal() before counter = counter + 1?

  • Answer: This will be equivalent to the original code. cond.signal() only awakes another thread when the current one exists the critical section (i.e., calls unlock() of the corresponding lock) or calls wait() on the associated condition variable.

  • Question: What if we remove cond.signal()?

  • Answer: That will lead to a deadlock, as another thread, waiting on a condition, might never wake up.

  • Question: What happens if replace while (counter % 2 == 0) by if (counter % 2 == 0)?

  • Answer: Nothing particularly bad, but it’s better to re-check the condition before proceeding.

  • Question: What happens if we call cond.signal() or cond.await() outside of the Critical Section marked by lock() and unlock()?

  • Answer: This is considered a run-time error, leading to an exception.

  • Question: Which thread is notified by cond.signal() in case if we have multiple threads?

  • Answer: You should assume that a thread to wake up is chosen randomly of all threads currently waiting. If you want to awake all of them you should use cond.signalAll(). In this case all awoken threads will be competing for the lock, with only one of them getting it, and others going back to wait.

Together, a (reentrant) lock with a number of conditional variables, allowing for this kind of wait-notify message-passing are referred to as a monitor synchronisation mechanism. Monitors were first suggested and described in 1973 paper by Sir Tony Hoare (the same Tony Hoare who invented QuickSort and program logics).

The following series of images demonstrates a possible scenario involving a monitor.

On the image below, a thread B has successfully acquired the lock, entering the critical section. It then called the method cond.await() of a conditional variable, thus, transitioning to the “waiting room” with threads that have been suspended during their CS.


Next, thread C enters the critical section, calling cond.signaAll() and then unlock(). This prompts two waiting threads, A and B, to wake up and compete for the lock again.


In the same time thread D enters the competition, acquiring the lock, sending both A and B to spin until D leaves the critical section, thus, giving them again a chance to acquire the lock.


5.2. Using Multiple Conditional Variables

We can restructure our implementation of turn-based counter, reducing the amount of overhead necessary to acquire the lock, replacing it by the waiting. For this, we are going to emit two condition variables associated with the same Java lock. The resulting implementation is as follows:

object CountMultipleConditions {
  private var counter: Int = 0
  private val TOTAL = 100
  private val THREADS = 2
  private val lock = new ReentrantLock()
  private val condEven = lock.newCondition()
  private val condOdd = lock.newCondition()

  class AdderToEven extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      // Step 1: take the lock
      try {

        // Repeat in cycle
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {

          // Step 2: wait while counter is not even
          while (counter % 2 == 1) {
          // Step 3: Do useful stuff
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
          // Step 4: Release the other thread
      } finally {

        // Step 5: Release the lock

  class AdderToOdd extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      try {
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {
          while (counter % 2 == 0) {
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i: now counter = $counter")
      } finally {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // ...

Notice that the threads wait and signal on the two different continual variables, condEven and condOdd. Nevertheless, this does not violate mutual exclusion, as await() and signal() are still associated with the same lock object. However, multiple condition variables in this case make it slightly easier to reason about the permissions of the specific thread: each thread waits on its own conditional variable, while signals on the one of the other thread’s.

5.3. Synchronising Many Threads with Monitors

Above we mention an additional mechanism of a conditional variable for waking up the threads: signalAll() and explain its specifics (it might send some threads to spin) and difference with signal(). For instance, consider the following code that works with multiple even/odd incrementers synchronising them via await() / signal():

object CountManyThreads {

  private var counter: Int = 0
  private val TOTAL = 100
  private val THREADS = 10

  private val lock = new ReentrantLock()
  private val condEven = lock.newCondition()
  private val condOdd = lock.newCondition()

  class AdderToEven extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      // Step 1: take the lock
      try {

        // Repeat in cycle
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {

          // Step 2: wait while counter is not even
          while (counter % 2 == 1) {
          // Step 3: Do useful stuff
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i (EvenAdder): now counter = $counter")

          // Step 4: Signal some other threads
      } finally {

        // Step 5: Release the lock

  class AdderToOdd extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      try {
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {
          while (counter % 2 == 0) {
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i (OddAdder) : now counter = $counter")
      } finally {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val evens = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield new AdderToEven
    val odds = for (i <- 1 to 5) yield new AdderToOdd
    for (t <- evens ++ odds) {
    for (t <- evens ++ odds) {
    assert(counter == TOTAL)

In this example, of signal() we could have used signallAll() without noticeable difference.

5.4. Intrinsic Java Monitors

Since the patterns of working with monitors by means of manipulating associated locks and condition variables so common, Java/Scala embed it into its object-oriented mode. Each object in these languages comes instrumented with a monitor. Since objects in Scala/Java are main units of data, this design choice aims to simplify synchronisation on all data associated with a particular object. That is, different objects would have different monitors associated with them, and hence, may be unsynchronised.

We can now demystify the statement o.syncrhonized { ... } we’ve seen before: it simply wraps the code inside { ... } with lock(); try { ... } finally { unlock() }, where the locking/unlocking is done on the implicit lock associated with an object o. Similarly, waiting/signalling on a (single) conditional variable associated with an object is done by callling o.wait(), and o.notify() and o.notifyAll(), correspondingly. Notice, the names of these methods are different on purpose from those of conditional variables so they would not be confused. We can implement our counter example using Java, which provides special primitives for monitor-based synchronisation:

object CountIntrinsicMonitor {

  private var counter: Int = 0
  private val TOTAL = 100
  private val THREADS = 10

  class AdderToEven extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      // Step 1: take the lock
      CountIntrinsicMonitor.synchronized {
        // Repeat in cycle
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {

          // Step 2: wait while counter is not even
          while (counter % 2 == 1) {
            // TODO: Notice: now it's `wait()` instead of `await()`
          // Step 3: Do useful stuff
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i (EvenAdder): now counter = $counter")

          // Step 4: Notify all other threads
          // TODO: Notice: now it's `notifyAll()` instead of `signalAll()`

  class AdderToOdd extends Thread {
    override def run() = {
      val i = ThreadID.get
      CountIntrinsicMonitor.synchronized {
        for (_ <- 1 to TOTAL / THREADS) {
          while (counter % 2 == 0) {
          counter = counter + 1
          println(s"Thread $i (OddAdder) : now counter = $counter")
  // ...
  • Question: Why does it work in the presence of just one “conditional variable”?

  • Answer: Because of notifyAll() that wakes up all threads, allowing the “right ones” to proceed eventually.

  • Question: Will it sill work if we replace notifyAll() by notify()?

  • Answer: It might deadlock, as the thread of the same “parity” can be notified, and it won’t be able to proceed, hanging on the wait() call.

  • Question: Why couldn’t use this.synchronized instead?

  • Answer: Called within a thread this.synchronized would refer to the closest enclosing object, i.e., the thread instance itself. Since those are different for different threads, the access to the counter would not be synchronised. This is why we instead synchronise via the monitor associated with the global singleton object CountIntrinsicMonitor.

5.5. The Lost-Wakeup Problem

Consider the following queue implementation that makes use of Java monitors:

class MonitorQueue[T: scala.reflect.ClassTag](val capacity: Int) {

  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock

  val lock = new ReentrantLock
  val notFull = lock.newCondition
  val notEmpty = lock.newCondition
  val items = new Array[T](capacity)
  var tail = 0
  var head = 0
  var count = 0

  def end(x: T): Unit = {
    try {
      while (count == items.length) {
      items(tail) = x
      tail += 1
      if (tail == items.length) {
        tail = 0
      count += 1

    } finally lock.unlock()

  def deq(): T = {
    try {
      while (count == 0) notEmpty.await()
      val x = items(head)
      head += 1
      if (head == items.length) {
        head = 0
      count -= 1
    } finally lock.unlock()

This queue is a fine example of a concurrent blocking implementation: it is empty, no all calls to deq() will be blocked until another thread enqueues an element. Similarly, if it is full, enq() will block.

What will happen if we replace notEmpty.signal() in enq() by if (count == 1) notEmpty.signal(). Unfortunately, this will lead to an incorrect behaviour. Imagine that thread C is about to enqueue an element to an empty queue, while A and B are waiting because of nonEmpty.await(). Executing if (count == 1) notEmpty.signal() will wake up one of them, let’s say A, but before it removes an element another thread, say D, sill enqueue another one, this time without calling nonEmpty.signal(). Thus, the queue will have two elements, before A removes one, and the queue will be non-empty. Yet, B will be still waiting. This mistake is known as the Lost-Wakeup Problem, and it can be avoided in the following way:

  • Signalling all threads waiting on a condition (via signalAll() or notifyAll()), not just one.

  • Specify a timeout while waiting (both await() and wait() take a number of nanoseconds to wait as an optional argument).

5.6. Read-Write Locking

In many cases a shared resource can allow multiple threads that do not modify it access it concurrently, but will require an exclusive access for someone to make modifications. This pattern is known as Readers-Writers:

  • Only one writer can be modifying the resource exclusively

  • Many readers can observe it concurrently without requiring mutual exclusion, as long as there is no write.

The structure allowing for such an access is called Read-Write Lock. It can be implemented using monitors as follows:

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.locks.{Lock, ReadWriteLock, ReentrantLock}

  * @author Maurice Herlihy, Ilya Sergey
class SimpleReadWriteLock extends ReadWriteLock {

  private var readers = 0
  private var writer = false
  private val myLock = new ReentrantLock
  private val myReadLock = new ReadLock
  private val myWriteLock = new WriteLock
  private var condition = myLock.newCondition

  def readLock: Lock = myReadLock

  def writeLock: Lock = myWriteLock

  class ReadLock extends Lock {
    def lock(): Unit = {
      try {
        while (writer) try {
        } catch {
          case e: InterruptedException =>
        readers += 1
      } finally {

    def unlock(): Unit = {
      try {
        readers -= 1
        if (readers == 0) {
      } finally myLock.unlock()
    // ...

  protected class WriteLock extends Lock {
    def lock(): Unit = {
      try {
        while (readers > 0) try {
        } catch {
          case e: InterruptedException =>

        writer = true
      } finally myLock.unlock()

    def unlock(): Unit = {
      try {
        writer = false
      } finally {
    // ...
  // ...

Notice that any reader using the instance of the ReadLock will be blocked as long as a writer is present (which is indicated by a boolean shared variable writer). Once available, the reader lock will admit multiple readers, so the writers will have to wait on a writer lock until the condition is notified by ReadLock’s unlock(). A similar intuition is applied to the writer lock. Notice that the condition does not distinguish between the roles (readers/writers) — it is used to notify all threads currently waiting. In principle, the lock can be improved by using two different condition variables.

5.7. When Should We Use Monitors

Monitors (locks + conditional variables) are complementary to spin-locks. An appropriate synchronisation mechanisms depends on the use case:

  • Spin-locks are good when the critical sections are small (in terms of execution time), thus the spinning time will likely be small too. The main “cost” of a spin-lock is the high usage of CPU cycles while spinning, as well as added contention overhead. Thus, spinning makes sense for a multiprocessor, if we expect a short waiting time.

  • Monitors should be used for fine-grained management of access to a critical section, which is long. However, for small critical sections, waking up a thread requires context switching by a processor, which is also expensive. That is, waiting (blocking) is preferable if we expect to wait for a long time before getting the access to the critical section.

5.8. Other Synchronisation Mechanisms

As of now, monitors (reentrant locks + condition variables) are one of the most popular blocking synchronisation mechanisms. However, most of the popular concurrent libraries (such as java.util.concurrent and C’s PThreads) provide other synchronisation primitives. Those are typically implemented as instructions by most of the common processors.

  • Semaphore is similar to a lock that admits \(n \geq 1\) threads. Once the capacity is reached, the new incoming threads are blocked. Semaphores were invented by Edsger Dijkstra (the same as in Dijkstra’s algorithm) in 1963. An example of using a semaphore (in Java) can be found, e.g., by this link.

  • Mutex is simply a semaphore with capacity 1. As such, it is equivalent to a lock.