9.2. Rabin-Karp Search¶
Th idea of hashing studied before for the implementations of hash-tables and bloom filters, is also very useful for improving the efficiency of detecting patterns in strings.
The idea of Rabin-Karp algorithm is to speed up the ordinary search by means of computing the rolling hash of the sub-string currently being checked, and comparing it to the hash of the of the pattern.
First, define a special hash:
let rk_hash text =
let h = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to String.length text - 1 do
h := !h + Char.code text.[i]
The search procedure now takes advantage of it:
let rabin_karp_search text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
(* Compute as the sum of all characters in pattern *)
let hpattern = rk_hash pattern in
let rolling_hash = ref @@ rk_hash (String.sub text 0 m) in
let i = ref 0 in
let res = ref None in
while !i <= n - m && !res = None do
(if hpattern = !rolling_hash &&
String.sub text !i m = pattern then
res := Some !i);
(* Update the hash *)
(if !i <= n - m - 1
let c1 = Char.code text.[!i] in
let c2 = Char.code text.[!i + m] in
rolling_hash := !rolling_hash - c1 + c2);
i := !i + 1
Question: what is the worst-case complexity of Rabin-Karp search?
Question: What do you think would be the strings on which Rabin-Karp search performs more efficiently than naive search?
Testing Rabin-Karp search can be done easily with the help of the search_tested procedure
let%test "Rabin-Karp Search Works" =
search_tester rabin_karp_search
let%test _ =
search_tester rabin_karp_search_rec
9.2.1. Recursive version of Rabin-Karp search¶
One can implement the recursive search version as follows:
let rabin_karp_search_rec text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
(* Compute as the sum of all characters in pattern *)
let hpattern = rk_hash pattern in
let rec walk i rolling_hash =
if i > n - m then None
else if hpattern = rolling_hash &&
String.sub text i m = pattern
then Some i
else if i <= n - m - 1
let c1 = Char.code text.[i] in
let c2 = Char.code text.[i + m] in
let rolling_hash' = rolling_hash - c1 + c2 in
walk (i + 1) rolling_hash'
else None
walk 0 (rk_hash (String.sub text 0 m))
9.2.2. Comparing performance of search procedures¶
Let us design the experiment to compare RK search and nive search:
let evaluate_search search name s ps pn =
print_endline "";
Printf.printf "[%s] Pattern in: " name;
Week_03.time (List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in search s p)) ps;
Printf.printf "[%s] Pattern not in: " name;
Week_03.time (List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_not_in search s p)) pn
First, let’s compare on random strings:
let compare_string_search n m =
let (s, ps, pn) = generate_string_and_patterns n m in
evaluate_search naive_search "Naive" s ps pn;
evaluate_search rabin_karp_search "Rabin-Karp" s ps pn
That does not show so much difference:
utop # compare_string_search 20000 50;;
[Naive] Pattern in: Execution elapsed time: 0.999535 sec
[Naive] Pattern not in: Execution elapsed time: 1.951543 sec
[Rabin-Karp] Pattern in: Execution elapsed time: 1.112753 sec
[Rabin-Karp] Pattern not in: Execution elapsed time: 2.155506 sec
In fact, Rabin-Karp is even a bit slower!
Now, let us show when it shines. For this, let us create very repetitive strings:
let repetitive_string n =
let ast = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" in
let pat1 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab" in
let pat2 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac" in
let mk n =
let t = List.init n (fun x -> if x = n - 1 then pat1 else ast) in
String.concat "" t
(mk n, [pat1], [pat2])
Now, let us re-design the experiment using the following function:
let compare_string_search_repetitive n =
let (s, ps, pn) = repetitive_string n in
evaluate_search naive_search "Naive" s ps pn;
evaluate_search rabin_karp_search "Rabin-Karp" s ps pn
Once we run it:
utop # compare_string_search_repetitive 50000;;
[Naive] Pattern in: Execution elapsed time: 1.298623 sec
[Naive] Pattern not in: Execution elapsed time: 1.305244 sec
[Rabin-Karp] Pattern in: Execution elapsed time: 0.058651 sec
[Rabin-Karp] Pattern not in: Execution elapsed time: 0.058463 sec
- : unit = ()
The superiority of Rabin-Karp algorithm becomes obvious.