9.1. Substring Search¶
Imagine that you are searching for a word on a web page or a Word document.
This problem is known and pattern search in a string. Despite being seemlingly a simple challenge to solve, in order to do efficiently, it requires a lot of ingenuity.
In this lecture we will see several solutions for it, of the increased implementation complexity, while reduced time demand.
9.1.1. Testing a search procedure¶
The procedure search
takes a string text
and a patern pattern
and returns a result of type int option
, where Some i
denotes the first index in the string text
, such that pattern
starts from it and is fully contained within text
. If no such index exist (i.e., pattern
is not in text
), search
returns None
Even before we implement the search procedure itself, we develop a test for it. The first test function checkes if a pattern pattern
is indeed in the string text
, as reported by the function search
let test_pattern_in search text pattern =
let index = Week_01.get_exn @@ search text pattern in
let p' = String.sub text index (String.length pattern) in
assert (pattern = p')
let test_pattern_not_in search text pattern =
assert (search text pattern = None)
9.1.2. A naive search¶
We can implement a naive search as follows. Notice that OCaml syntax s.[i]
allows one to refer to a character of a string s
at a position i
let naive_search text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
let k = ref 0 in
let res = ref None in
let stop = ref false in
while !k <= n - m && not !stop do
let j = ref 0 in
while !j <= m - 1 &&
text.[!k + !j] = pattern.[!j]
do j := !j + 1 done;
if !j = m
then (
res := Some !k;
stop := true)
k := !k + 1
It tries to identify the pattern starting from each position i
, checking the characters in the substring one by one. If it fails in the inner search, it simply tries the next position by incrementing i
Question: what is the worst-case complexity of this search in terms of sizes n
and m
of text
and pattern
9.1.3. A recursive version of the naive search¶
The same implementation can be, obviously rewritten so it would be tail-recursive:
let naive_search_rec text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
let rec walk k =
if k > n - m then None
else (
let j = ref 0 in
while !j <= m - 1 &&
text.[k + !j] = pattern.[!j]
do j := !j + 1 done;
if !j = m
then Some k
else walk @@ k + 1)
in walk 0
9.1.4. Generating strings for testing search function¶
How do we generate random strings for testing search?
This can be done using the function generate_words
, which we generated before. We simply create a list of words and concatenate it to produce the string text
. We can also create the list of words that are (with a very hight probability) are not in the obtained string text
let generate_string_and_patterns n m =
let ps_in = Week_03.generate_words n m in
let ps_not_in =
List.filter (fun p -> not (List.mem p ps_in)) @@
Week_03.generate_words n m in
let s = String.concat "" (List.rev ps_in) in
(s, ps_in, ps_not_in)
We can provide a higher-order testing procedure for strings, so it would test on a specific string, and on randomly-generated strings (for true positives and negatives), as follows:
let search_tester search =
let (s, ps, pn) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in search big p) patterns;
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in search s p) ps;
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_not_in search s p) pn;
9.1.5. Testing naive search¶
Let us construct a number of tests, starting from a simple one:
open Week_09_StringSearch
let big = "abcdefghijklmnopeqrstuvabcsrtdsdqewgdcvaegbdweffwdajbjrag"
let patterns = ["dsd"; "jrag"; "abc"]
let%test "Naive Search Works" =
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in naive_search big p) patterns;
We can also check, on a random string, that our search returns no false positives and no false negatives:
let%test "Naive Search True Positives" =
let (s, ps, _) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in naive_search s p) ps;
let%test "Naive Search True Negatives" =
let (s, _, pn) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_not_in naive_search s p) pn;