This page lists my professional activities in the academic community.

Member of Executive and Steering Committees

International Conference Chair

Workshop Chair/Organiser

Member of Editorial Boards

Large-Scale Non-Academic Event Organiser

Invited Keynote Speaker

Programme Committee Member for International Conferences

PC Member for International Workshops

Reviewing for Journals

Additional Conference and Workshop Refereeing

ICFP 2023, CAV 2023, POPL 2023, ICFP 2021, OOPSLA 2020, CONCUR 2020, S&P (Oakland) 2020, CONCUR 2018, ECOOP 2018, ISSTA 2018, ICALP 2018, PLDI 2018, S&P (Oakland) 2018, TYPES 2017 (Post-proceedings), PLDI 2017, TACAS 2017, ESOP 2017, ATVA 2016, CONCUR 2016, DISC 2015, ECOOP 2015, ESOP 2015, POPL 2015, GPCE 2014, ICFP 2014, CSF 2014, PROLE 2013, CC 2013, ESOP 2013, POPL 2013, CPP 2012, ECOOP 2012, NFM 2012, ESOP 2012, DSL 2011, IWACO 2011, Coordination 2010, Coordination 2009.

Other Academic Service